Category: General News

General News

Shhh…It’s Wood Stork Nesting Season

For those of you who have had the good fortune to visit the wildlife pond at the Museum’s Dill Sanctuary, you may have had the opportunity to observe the wood storks that nest there in the spring and summer.  Museum staff and volunteers are careful to avoid disturbing their activities…

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General News

Digitizing Collections and the Historic Southern Naturalists Project

Museums are repositories for a wide variety of historical artifacts, works of art, and objects of scientific significance. Despite many of these objects being made available to the public, even more are either not suitable for exhibition or are too fragile for handling and must be kept in storage. These…

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General News

The Charleston Museum Mahiole – A Case for Reading Exhibit Labels Closely

I am going to make a case here for one particular object in the museum’s collection, on display in the Early Days exhibit, as one of the most interesting objects you could possibly see on a trip to the museum. The Charleston Museum is America’s oldest public museum, initially founded…

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General News

A Word from our Director

Happy New Year to all our Museum friends! First of all, a note of gratitude goes out to all those who have supported the Museum through membership or donations. It is your support that allows the Museum to accomplish our mission and do positive things for our community. Thank you!…

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General News

2018 Accessions

In 2018 some fascinating items were generously donated to The Charleston Museum’s collection. We are most grateful to the individuals and families who have helped to strengthen the Museums collections in making these gifts. Here’s a glimpse at some of what came in this year: Pleistocene fossils from the Bull…

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