Category: General News

General News

Storeroom Stories: Sound of Sickness

PAST EXHIBIT Feeling a bit woozy? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this year’s flu season is of “high severity.” It’s therefore safe to assume that more than a few of our friends and neighbors have had some form of a stethoscope stuck to their chest within…

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General News

Animal Bones and Charleston’s Colonial Beef Market

Cooking vessels and drinking pots from the 18th century, typical wares recovered at the Beef Market. A most interesting newspaper article recently circulated on social media made for entertaining and enlightening reading on a rainy afternoon: Considerable excitement was caused on upper King Street this afternoon by the stampede of…

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General News

Tobias and Christiana Scott: The Road to Freedom

Christiana Scott (1826-1912), left, and Tobias Scott (1827-1904), right Researching the family history of former slaves can be a daunting task. Oftentimes, genealogists, museum curators and family members have only ancestral stories and hearsay to fill in family trees until forgotten manuscripts are discovered and brought to light. Fortunately for the…

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General News

Bragg Boxes

The Charleston Museum is proud to introduce its new Bragg Box program.  Bragg Boxes are traveling trunks that can be sent out to schools to be used in classrooms and are designed to expand the educational outreach of the Museum’s collections. Bragg Boxes feature artifacts, replicas, images, documents, lesson plans,…

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General News

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful

Climbing high above the city, Robert Achurch focused his camera on the parallel line between the Washington Light Infantry monument and St. Philip’s Church. If you’ve stepped outside in Charleston in the last week, you’ve likely encountered some frigid temperatures and a coating of ice on your windshield. Though uncommon…

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