Category: General News

General News

Storeroom Stories: Turning up the Heat!

PAST EXHIBIT It’s hard to believe lately, but Charleston, on occasion, still gets a bit chilly just as it has for centuries. In 1726, for example, Charleston endured its first snowfall during what was then the coldest winter ever in its more than half-century existence. Almost 100 years later Gabriel…

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General News

A Word from Our Director

Happy New Year! Once again, thank you to all those who so generously gave to our Annual Appeal. I am pleased to report that 2015 was another year of exciting accomplishments for The Charleston Museum, which included many of the specific objectives set forth in our Strategic Plan for 2015…

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General News

2015 Joseph Manigault Holiday Decorations

The Garden Club of Charleston, once again, brought holiday spirit into the Joseph Manigault House, adorning its rooms, hallways, and stairways with greenery, feathers, ribbons, and more! These spectacular arrangements represent 2015’s chosen theme, Tis The Season! Join us again next year to view more beautiful holiday decorations!

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General News

1920s Wedding Dresses

PAST EXHIBIT While preparing the garments for our upcoming wedding dress exhibit, it occurred to me that the gowns of the 1920s were probably the most dramatic departure from “traditional” attire. This was true of course in daily wear – it was the first time women were allowed to wear…

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General News

Toys from the Attic

   Toy truck, c.1947 Cast metal Woolworth’s toy delivery truck; Purchased at Woolworth’s five-and-dime store on King Street as a gift to Tom Waring. Whether educational tools, social stimulants or just mindless time killers, toys by their very nature remain an entertaining, albeit incredibly varied, lot and, unlike some other…

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