General News

Bragg Boxes

The Charleston Museum is proud to introduce its new Bragg Box program.  Bragg Boxes are traveling trunks that can be sent out to schools to be used in classrooms and are designed to expand the educational outreach of the Museum’s collections. Bragg Boxes feature artifacts, replicas, images, documents, lesson plans,…

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General News

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful

Climbing high above the city, Robert Achurch focused his camera on the parallel line between the Washington Light Infantry monument and St. Philip’s Church. If you’ve stepped outside in Charleston in the last week, you’ve likely encountered some frigid temperatures and a coating of ice on your windshield. Though uncommon…

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General News

A Word from our Director, Carl Borick

Happy New Year to all of our Museum friends! Although we are looking forward to good things in 2018, this past year was one of amazing accomplishments for The Charleston Museum. Certainly our most notable achievement of 2017 was the completion of our new Bunting Natural History Gallery. Named for…

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General News

2017 Acquisitions

This year some fascinating items were generously donated to our collection! We are most grateful to the individuals and families who have helped to strengthen the Museum’s collections in making these gifts. Here’s a glimpse at what came in this year: Mid-19th century silk shawl believed to be worn by Frances…

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General News

2017 Joseph Manigault House Holiday Decorations

The Joseph Manigault House is ready for the holidays!  The Garden Club of Charleston has worked its magic, giving the house a festive air with the use of greenery, floral arrangements, and bells.  The arrangements were all created to reflect this year’s theme,”Bells and Blooms.”  The theme was inspired by the 1863 poem, Christmas Bells, by Henry…

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