General News

Storeroom Stories: Japanese Armor

PAST EXHIBIT In 2013, Museum staff discovered this suit of Japanese Samurai armor locked in a travel trunk within The Charleston Museum’s material culture collection. Very little is known how it got there or why. With origins in the fourth century, Japanese armor has undergone significant changes in construction, style…

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General News

More Than Fiction

PAST EXHIBIT The science fiction tales of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, popularized in film, often have their basis in historic themes and artifacts. On Thursday May 4, a.k.a “Star Wars Day,” The Charleston Museum will display a special pop-up exhibit, featuring a selection of objects from our collections that showcase this connection,…

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General News

Storeroom Stories: Bachman Sampler

PAST EXHIBIT The Museum recently added to its needlework sampler collection by purchasing a schoolgirl sampler made by Julia Margaret Bachman, the daughter of Rev. John Bachman and Harriet Martin of Charleston. He was the minister at St. John’s Lutheran Church and was also an avid naturalist. He collaborated with…

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General News

Waterfowling in South Carolina

  Numerous species of ducks and other local waterfowl are central to the Lowcountry’s historic culture, their meat and feathers filling specific desires from dining tables to fashion statements, and even indigenous sacred ceremonies. These birds today still carry a certain mystique all their own, influencing artisans and artists alike…

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General News

Storeroom Stories: Creamware – Latest Fashion ware

PAST EXHIBIT Sprig-decorated tea wares from Broad Street, the South Carolina Society Hall, and the Heyward-Washington House.   Creamware ceramics are ubiquitous in archaeological Charleston. The development of refined earthenware in the late 18th century by Josiah Wedgwood and other British potters revolutionized the ceramic world. But it was Wedgwood’s brilliant…

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