General News

Bringing Them Back to Life: The History of Collecting

Bringing Them Back to Life is a blog series from The Charleston Museum that provides updates and plans for our Natural History Gallery renovations. Observation and description of local flora and fauna had been an interest of many wealthy Europeans who collected and studied organisms as a hobby and in…

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General News

Manners Most Morbid

Strolling the Lowcountry’s funerary art collection held within its vast cemeteries and graveyards is oftentimes a consuming experience that has been described over the years as everything from “morose,” to “elegant,” “tragic,” to “whimsical,” and above all “incredibly beautiful.” Of course, whatever the thoughts on the marker or its accompanying…

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General News

Bringing them Back to Life: Megalodon and Sharks of the Lowcountry

Bringing Them Back to Life is a blog series from The Charleston Museum that provides updates and plans for our Natural History Gallery renovations. The geologic history of the Lowcountry is tied to the Atlantic ocean. Just as the ocean has shaped the coast, it has shaped the lifestyles of…

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General News

Black and White: Plantation Scenes of South Carolina

PAST EXHIBIT Oak Allée at The Oaks Plantation, 1903   On exhibit now, Black and White features photographs that captured the plantation scenes of South Carolina after the Civil War.  Once a major revenue source for the region’s wealthy elite, both rice and Sea Island cotton were grown and harvested…

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General News

Storeroom Stories: An Exquisite 19th Century Dress made by Mme. Pauline Seba and Julia Bulkley

PAST EXHIBIT Although Charleston was racially polarized in the nineteenth century, many skilled African American artisans were able to cross those barriers and provide goods and services to a discerning clientele. Two such examples are Mme. Pauline Seba and Julia Bulkley, both prominent seamstresses in the city. The fact that…

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