General News

Blood Spillers

Scarificators with brass casings, 1825-1845. Multi-bladed tools with adjustable penetration depth, each blade springs forward simultaneously at the depression of the side-mounted release button. Feeling a touch queasy this Halloween? Probably the candy…or maybe too much fetid blood coursing around your insides. Whatever it is, just be glad you can…

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General News

Storeroom Stories: Taino pottery

PAST EXHIBIT To commemorate International Archaeology Day, October 17, The Charleston Museum presents a collection of Taino pottery from Isle of Cabrit, in Haiti on the Island of Hispaniola. When Christopher Columbus encountered the Americas in Hispaniola, he met the Taino. Taino culture was fully established in the Greater Antilles…

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General News

Making it Happen – Transported: Charleston Street Scenes, 1860s-1960s

PAST EXHIBIT Have you ever wondered how an exhibit is created? Installing an exhibit takes months of planning and decision making. Decisions for a specific theme or subject have to be made, a design has to be formulated, a title has to be created, dates have to be worked out…

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General News

The Cut

PAST EXHIBIT MK 25269b View of King Street looking north from Woolfe Street, c. 1950 Louis Schwartz (a little tribute to Morris Sokol Furniture since they are closing after 94 years) As any museum curator will attest to when preparing for an exhibit, choosing the final items to display can…

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General News

Storeroom Stories: V-J Day’s 70th anniversary

PAST EXHIBIT On September 2, 1945, aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, the Empire of Japan surrendered to U.S. forces. At long last, World War II was over, and the United States joyously declared V-J (or Victory in Japan) Day. Although Emperor Hirohito had formally announced capitulation on August…

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