East Battery, William Ravenel Residence

Copyright: The above image is considered Public Domain. Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Photograph showing the damage from the earthquake that occurred on August 31, 1886 to the back of the home and outbuildings of William Ravenel located at 13 East Battery. The residence of Charles R. Holmes, Jr. (19 East Battery) is visible to the left showing little evidence of damage. The rear of the William Roper residence (9 East Battery) can be seen to the right with an outbuilding made of glass panels that also seem to have suffered little damage. Caption on reverse reads, "No. 63 Wm. Ravenel, East Battery, rear". The 1886 Charleston City Directory lists William Ravenel at the incorrect address of 13 East Bay.
George LaGrange Cook was a well-known photographer in Charleston who photographed the destruction of the 1886 earthquake soon after it happened, producing a series of images titled "Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity" that could be purchased as souvenirs.