Medway Duck Group

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Photograph of five of the original taxidermied mounts to be used in the Medway Duck Group exhibit at the old Charleston Museum. Included are three blue-winged teals (two males, one female), one green-winged Teal (female), and one baldpate duck (male). They are mounted to boards at the taxidermist. The taxidermy was completed by Arthur B. Fuller of Jamesville, Virginia.

His handwritten notation on reverse, "3 Blue-winged Teal Two males, one female. 1 female Green-winged Teal 1 Male Baldpate Duck. Mounted for the Medway Group. Charleston Museum. 1953. Postures to be used in the group to be most effective. Taxidermy by Arthur B. Fuller, Jamesville Va. Expect to finish the last duck for the South Island on Saturday April 11th 1953. Will ship as soon as dry, probably about the last of next week. This should help you a lot in getting the birds in the right positions to look best without too much fuss after removed from the crate. A. B. F. April 9, 1953."