Meeting Street

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Photograph looking north on Meeting Street. Paine captured this street scene from his second floor window (or attic) at 47 Meeting Street. The facade of the Nathaniel Russell House (51 Meeting) is visible on the left and the churchyard and domed steeples of First (Scots) Presbyterian Church (53 Meeting) can be seen in the background. Directly beyond the church dome is the Branford-Horry House facade (59 Meeting) with the steeple of St. Michael's Episcopal Church (71 Broad) to the right. Several automobiles can been seen parked on either side of the street in the far distance. Notation on reverse reads, "2:30 PM - B.S. Grafic 4X5 Carl Zeiss I.C. 6 1/2" focus. D.C. Ortho Plate F4.5 - 1/90 sec. No filter" and "Carl Zeiss I.C. Tessar 16.5 cm. 6 1/2" Focus. F4.5."