Meeting Street

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Photograph looking north on Meeting Street toward St. Michael's Church (71 Broad) visible in the distance. The facade of First (Scots) Presbyterian Church (53 Meeting) can be seen on the left with the Branford-Horry House (59 Meeting) just beyond it. Several automobiles are on the street. Note the United States flag flying on top of the Post Office. The image was shot from the second floor (or attic) of the photographer's home (47 Meeting). Paine recorded his photographic information on reverse, "13" Cooke F45 Anastigmat. F11. 1/50. S.S. Ortho Film B.S. 11:30 Sept 1934 H.P. Graflex. No filter. Lens Test for definition O.K. Depth N.G. Corners O.K."