Middleton & Rivers Family

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Photograph of (from left) Jane Margaret (Simons) Middleton, L. Mendel Rivers, Jr., Margaret (Middleton) Rivers, Margaret "Peg" Middleton (Rivers) Eastman, Robert Eastman, Jr., and Edward Eastman attending the portrait unveiling for L. Mendel Rivers. Handwritten note by Margaret (Simons) Middleton on reverse, " 'Braw up, Granny! We all love you in spite of your looks.' I mustn't forget I am almost 80 years old and that is a great age - more than I have a right to expect. Where was Bob? Time treats you unkindly, yet I maintain I am a fortunate woman. Taken in Columbia the day Mendel's portrait was unveiled. Taken on the day April 19, 1971. Martha Laurens Ramsay was noticed in the News and Courier."

Gift of Margaret Middleton Rivers Eastman.