Nathaniel Heyward

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Cabinet card photograph featuring the daguerreotype image of Nathaniel Heyward. Charles Manigault's handwritten notation at the bottom, "Nathniel Heyward, b. 18th January 1766, d. 10th April 1851. Original daguer.e taken 3rd March 1846." Photographer's marks on reverse, "Barnard's Gallery Charleston, S.C. 263 King St. Opposite Hasel St."

The old catalog card states, "This item belonged to Col. Izard Heyward of Marietta, half brother of Gov. Duncan Clinch Heyward, Col. Heyward gave it to Mrs. Sessions, who gave it to Mrs. Selby Venning of Mt. Pleasant who gave it to the Preservation Society for the Heyward House."