William G. Hinson, et al.

Copyright: Contact The Charleston Museum Archives for publication quality images and credit instructions.


Group photograph of seven men identified (from left, back row) William Godber Hinson, Chaplain Curtis, [?] Berk; (from left, front row) [?] McLauren, W.A. Clark, General Teague, and lastly a man identified only as "Mark Twain" of Greenville. Hinson's handwritten notation on reverse identifies the group as "Group that tented together at Gettysburg." He also glued a Civil War poem (no longer attached) along with a small newspaper notification of the death of W.A. Templeton on March 29 [1914]. Below this he writes, "1914 A school mate of mine in 18[?]7 at Greenwood. Met him at Gettysburg.

Gift of Frances Hinson Dill Rhett.